AutoStar Turn Signal Light Lens Left 0999067401
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AutoStar Turn Signal Light Lens Left 0999067401



SKU: AutoStar-Turn-Signal-Light-Lens-Left-0999067401 Category:

AutoStar Turn Signal Light Lens Left 0999067401


The purpose of the AutoStar Turn Signal Light Lens Left 0999067401 is to improve road safety and visibility. It is an essential part of the vehicle’s lighting system. This turn signal light lens’s precision and long-lasting design guarantee that you can alert other vehicles effectively, encouraging safe lane changes and turns.

How it works: 

The turn signal light lens, which is mounted on the left side of the car, indicates when the driver wants to change lanes or turn by containing the turn signal bulb and pointing its light output in that direction. Electrical current enters the bulb and illuminates it when the motorist engages the turn signal lever. The lens, which is made with precise patterns to provide ideal light dispersion and visibility, filters the light that comes from the lightbulb. Consequently, the turn signal becomes more noticeable to other drivers, improving overall road safety.


The AutoStar Turn Signal Light Lens Left 0999067401 is made to exacting standards using premium materials, guaranteeing outstanding quality, dependability, and longevity. Every lens is put through rigorous testing and quality control processes to guarantee exact fit, UV resistance, and long-term clarity. 


This AutoStar part smoothly blends into the car’s lighting assembly and is made to be a direct replacement for the original turn signal light lens. Its compatibility with a range of car types guarantees correct alignment and fit, making installation simple and reliable. 

Weight 0.5 kg

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